The Eileen Chang Blog

[This is the 'official' blog for Chinese writer Eileen Chang, as the blogger is Roland Soong (宋以朗), who is the executor of the literary estate of Eileen Chang.  This bi-lingual blog features news, interviews and unpublished works related to Eileen Chang.]

Blog posts

(July 30, 2016) 愛憎表  (更新:2016.07.30)

(February 26, 2016) 台北書展2016  (更新:2016.07.30)

(October 1, 2015) 〈相见欢〉究竟想说什麽?  (更新:2015.10.01)

(November 01, 2014) 《宋淇传奇:从宋春舫到张爱玲》/《宋家客厅——从钱锺书到张爱玲》  (更新:2016.02.24)

(May 24, 2014)  《少帅》    一个爱情故事。  (更新:2016.04.02)

(October 19, 2014) RTHK 華人作家   第三集﹕張愛玲 — 華麗的孤寂   (更新:2015.03.20)

(May 11, 2014)  “南玲北梅”?  一场闹剧。  (更新:2014.10.29)

(June 5, 2013)  张爱玲与《万象》“闹”之内幕

(February 2, 2013)  炎樱  (更新:2014.06.22)

(September 11, 2012)  张爱玲与梅兰芳  (更新:2013.06.03)

(September 7, 2012)  有缘得识张爱玲  林式同, 张爱玲遗嘱执行人 (更新:2015.03.20)

(August 9, 2012)  傅雷與張愛玲  (更新:2016.02.21)

(January 16, 2011)  夏志清張愛玲   (更新:2015.06.09)

(January 9, 2011)  張愛玲〈老人與海〉  (更新:2016.07.30)

(December 31, 2010)  RTHK香港歷史系列II 04- 烽火中的文人  香港電臺節目(17:00 開始)

(December 21, 2010)  秧歌》的故事  有關資料  (更新:2015.03.20)

(December 1, 2010)  张爱玲诞辰九十周年纪念研讨会  北大百年讲堂 (更新:2011.01.20)

(October 10, 2010)  張愛玲晚年 「妄想性蟲爬病」纏身  精神科醫師吳佳璇  (更新:2010.10.10)

(September 26, 2010)  張愛玲誕辰九十周年國際學術研討會  香港浸会大学    (更新:2010.12.06)

(September 26, 2010)  宋以朗:我看,看張 ── 書於張愛玲九十誕辰

(September 26, 2010)  南方都市报"爱玲遗珍"特辑

(September 14, 2010)  掌故俱樂部──張愛玲  宋以朗 ,平鑫濤 ,陳皪華 ,符立中的回憶。

(September 2, 2010)  Eileen Chang: The Book of Change  News and commentary on Eileen Chang's English-language novel <The Book of Change>  (更新:2010.9.08)

(August 27, 2010)  The Bilingual Eileen Chang, Part 3: Stale Mates  林以亮﹕〈從張愛玲的「五四遺事」 說起〉裡面的翻譯問題。  (更新:2014.08.31)

(August 24, 2010)  《雷峰塔》與《易經》  有關《雷峰塔》與《易經》的新聞報告和評論。  (更新:2014.01.07)

(July 24, 2010)  《張愛玲私語錄》前言  書中的五篇簡要介紹。

(July 9, 2010)  《張愛玲私語錄  有關張愛玲與張愛玲私語錄的新聞報告和評論。 (更新:2015.03.20)

(May 23, 2010)  宋淇與張愛玲  (更新:2010.9.26)

(April 30, 2010)  杨绛钱钟书与张爱玲  (更新:2016.07.30)

(April 15, 2010)  Eileen Chang: The Fall of the Pagoda  News and commentary on Eileen Chang's English-language novel <The Fall of the Pagoda>    (更新:2010.10.14)

(April 3, 2010)  异鄉記﹕張愛玲游記体散  (更新:2015.02.26)

(February 5, 2010)  張愛玲:電懋劇本集  (更新:2015.09.16)

(January 29, 2010)  张爱玲相关视频

(November 24, 2009)  張愛玲外語版  Foreign-language editions of the works of Eileen Chang.

(August 25, 2009)  张爱玲 潘柳黛「潘柳黛是誰?我不認識。」  (更新:2013.05.28)

(August 21, 2009)  張愛玲在香港  “寻觅张爱玲笔迹”的香港文化之旅。  (更新:2010.4.25)

(August 13, 2009)  舊書何價﹖  張愛玲的舊書可以拍賣到多少錢﹖  (更新:2010.4.8)

(August 6, 2009)  冯睎乾:初评《小团圆》  初刊於《万象》,2009年7月号。这是足本。

(July 25, 2009)  宋以朗眼中的張愛玲  香港書展演講PPT與新聞報導。

(July 5, 2009)  張愛玲語錄    1950年代初期﹐張愛玲在香港差不多每天見到宋淇夫婦﹐有時宋鄺文美回到家會將當天談話錄下留念。1976年12月﹐宋淇(筆名林以亮)輯一篇〈張愛玲語錄〉,刊於《明報月刊》,但那只是節錄本。〈張愛玲語錄(增定本)〉計劃於2009年出版﹐這裡展出二十一張語錄﹐其中一部分以前從沒有公佈。

(June 29, 2009)  戴文采與張愛玲  戴文采的《華麗緣──我的鄰居張愛玲》與季季的《我與張愛玲的垃圾》﹐加上博客留言。  (更新:2013.08.14)

(April 19, 2009)  《小团圆》 BLOG   宋以朗有关《小團圓》BLOG  (更新:2013.2.20)

(March 20, 2009)  小團圓》後記    張愛玲《小團圓》出版後語。

(March 8, 2009)  《小团圆》新闻   有關張愛玲與《小團圓》的新聞報告和評論。(注:洋洋数百万字!)  (更新:2015.10.25)

(February 24, 2009)  張愛玲遺札,十四年後送達   陳子善: 張愛玲生前擬付郵寄往上海的一封感謝信和贈送收信人的一只女式小錢包,在相隔漫長的整整十四年之後,終於安妥地送達收信人之手。  (更新:2010.9.26)

(February 5, 2009)  張愛玲的牙牌籤  ...在多個百無聊賴的星期天下午,飽覽一幅幅泛黃的半世紀前的籤文

(December 22, 2008)  張愛玲在美國新聞處  19521955年間﹐張愛玲替美國新聞處(USIS)翻譯和寫作﹐結識了宋淇/宋鄺文美夫婦。當時宋鄺文美是美國新聞處雇員﹐留下一篇打油詩文。

(December 21, 2008)  北京市高级人民法院民事判决书

(December 7, 2008)  張愛玲與袁殊  "張愛玲本人對這一切毫不知情,她直到去世也不知道袁殊的真實身份。" 真的嗎﹖

(November 30, 2008)  Eileen Chang and the Soongs, 1963  In a 1963 letter to her husband, Eileen Chang wrote that the Soongs are no friends of her any more.  But how did that friendship get restored?  I failed to come up with the documentary evidence, but I got an honorable mention.

(November 26, 2008)  姑姑:張愛玲在上海最後的牽掛  鄭遠濤,明報/南方都市报

(November 22, 2008)  Where Was Eileen Chang When President John F. Kennedy Was Shot?  Eileen Chang describes in a letter her whereabouts on November 22, 1963.

(October 8, 2008)  感謝宋以朗  馬家輝.明報

(October 7, 2008)  抱覑張愛玲回家  馬家輝.明報

(October 5, 2008)  The Original Typewritten Manuscript of The Spyring  Here is the original typewritten manuscript of the initial draft of <Lust, Caution> by Eileen Chang.  This manuscript was first published in the Hong Kong magazine <Muse> in April 2008.  It is now being placed on the Internet for the general public.

(September 28, 2008)  永遠張愛玲﹕張愛玲求籤問前程:《重訪邊城》佚文出土  鄭依依,明報 (backup)

(September 5, 2008)  傳奇未完——看張愛玲的遺物  譚艾敏札記 ,《信報》(backup)

(June 28, 2008)  The Bilingual Eileen Chang, Part 2: Henry David Thoreau  Here are three poems by Henry David Thoreau that Eileen Chang once translated for an anthology of American poetry.  These translations are not well-known.

(June 3, 2008)  歷史   外岡秀俊, 朝日新聞

(April 7, 2008)  The Bilingual Eileen Chang, Part 1: A Return To The Frontier  This is the story about the publication of the newly discovered Eileen Chang travelogue about her visit to Taiwan and Hong Kong in 1961.  Previously, this was published in English but now an expanded Chinese version has just been published.

(March 2, 2008)  The Spyring and 'Lust, Caution'  Apple Daily essay (in Chinese) about the origins of Eileen Chang's <Lust, Caution> as determined from the English-language manuscript <The Spyring> and the letters between her and Stephen Soong.

(November 13, 2007)  著名Blogger談張愛玲遺物  林仕功,星島日報.

(November 12, 2007)  The Letters of Eileen Chang - Part 6  色﹐戒 是怎麼樣練成的?  Stephen Soong's advice to Eileen Chang about the novela <Lust, Caution>.  If she had taken his advice fully, the diamond ring would have become a watch!

(November 10, 2007)  魚雁往還滿載四十年情誼  關衛寧, 大公報 (backup)

(October 22, 2007)  The Letters of Eileen Chang - Part 5  張愛玲《憶胡适之》  Correspondence between Eileen Chang and Hu Shi about the literary merits of <The Rice Sprout Song>.  (更新:2014.06.16)

(October 16, 2007)  Eileen Chang: Hong Kong Legend (1939-41)  Press coverage (Apple Daily, Oriental Daily, The Sun, Ming Pao, Hong Kong Economic Times) about the Eileen Chang exhibit at Hong Kong University.

(October 8, 2007)  張愛玲在我家住過幾個月  Apple Daily interview of this blogger about Eileen Chang.

(October 3, 2007)  藏住张爱玲最后的真相:宋以朗  Angel Li, EastWeek

(September 29, 2007)  张爱玲侵权诉讼  The case of Crown Press versus a number of Chinese publishers over the copyright violation of the works of Eileen Chang.  (更新:2015.03.20)

(September 13, 2007)  張愛玲色戒心結  亞洲週刊 2007年9月23日, Volume 23, Issue 37, p. 28-33, 馬靄媛.

(September 8, 2007)  張愛玲寫blog  這裡也有張愛玲的'blog'。這小段的生活雜感來自張愛玲尚沒公開親筆寫手稿

(September 1, 2007)  <色,戒>   有關《色,戒》的新聞報告和評論。(注:洋洋数百万字!) (更新:2015.09.16)

(August 6, 2007)  The Letters of Eileen Chang - Part 4  張愛玲的書信: 有關"羊毛出在羊身上——談《色·戒》"  The largest archive of correspondence with Eileen Chang belongs to Stephen and Mae Soong.  Here are some scanned images of the letters (in Chinese) between Eileen Chang and Stephen Soong on the essay "On <Lust, Caution>."  This should give some insight about the writer at work.

(June 6, 2007)  The Letters of Eileen Chang - Part 3  Why was Eileen Chang's novela <The Classmates 同學少年都不賤> held back from publication until almost a decade after her death?  It was about literary flaws and 'outside pressures'?  This essay provides some insight into those 'outside pressures' based upon correspondence with Eileen Chang.  (updated 2013.02.10)

(February 8, 2006)  The Letters of Eileen Chang - Part 2  Presentation of one letter between Chinese writer Eileen Chang and her friends Stephen and Mae Soong, which brings up many issues such as censorship, openness, confidentiality, etc.

(October 25, 2006)  Eileen Chang's Photograph With Kim Il-sung  Here are some possibly unknown facts about Chinese writer Eileen Chang based upon archival materials in my possession.

(October 4, 2005)  The Story of Eileen Chang's Naked Earth  An old and battered copy of this novel on my bookshelf is now a collector's item because it showed how censorship operated in Taiwan once upon a time.

(September 8, 2005)  The Tenth Anniversary of the Death of Eileen Chang  A worldwide exclusive as the death certificate of Eileen Chang is shown here for the first time.

(September 1, 2005)  The Birthday of Eileen Chang  There is a small plaque at 195 Changde Road in Shanghai that contained some problems as mentioned in Ming Pao Weekly.  It turned out that I had the definitive evidence on the matter.

(August 11, 2005)  Lung Ying-tai on Eileen Chang  This is an excerpt from Lung Ying-tai's speech to HKU students on graduation day.  The speech is in Chinese, and untranslatable without a lot of effort; even if I did the translation, it would never capture the essence.  Once upon a time, Eileen haunted those campus halls.  Today, how many HKU students are familiar with her work?  If you don't know it, you should buy the books and read them.  (Disclosure: I receive 15% royalty on all sales)

(July 13, 2005)  我的同事张爱玲  陳少聰

(February 15, 2005)  The Letters of Eileen Chang - Part 1  Going through the file cabinets in my Hong Kong apartment, I found some letters from Eileen Chang to my parents.  How do they illuminate on her literary accomplishments?

(February 17, 2004)  Ms. Chang's Office  Where did Eileen Chang write her movie scripts while in Hong Kong?

(February 10, 2004)  Sing-Song Girls of Shanghai  Is it possible to translate the Wu dialect?  Don't bother!  I'd rather stick with the original anytime.  

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