Anti's Call To Cancel Beijing News Subscriptions










(in translation)

Today is December 29.  2006 will arrive in two days time.  But we have already subscribed to the entire 2006 Beijing News.  But before we even got to enjoy this present, the product has been switched.  The perpetually lying Guangming Daily has taken over the newspaper that we paid for with our earned wages.  To tell the truth, I would rather eat shit than buy Guangming Daily or any of its derivatives.

Those Guangming folks obviously do not care about readers like us.  They treat us as compliant people and think that they can feed us any shit that they want.  Unfortunately, we are not that stupid.  So I ask all those people who don't consider ourselves as shit to call Beijing News' 6391000 number and ask them to refund our entire year's subscription fee unconditionally.

If you subscribed as an organization, you ought to consider that in the commercialized world that everything is spent on the basis of cost and you would not be spending money on a pile of shit.  I ask you to convince the employees in your information office to call 63190000 to ask for an unconditional refund of your annual subscription.

If you are an advertiser, please pay attention to your commercial losses.  Your prepaid advertising expenditure on Beijing News will be spent on an Guangming Daily derivative.  Your hypothetical quality reader would have left.  So please call 63190000 to ask them to repay you for your advertising losses.

We are not pigs and we are not going to be slaughtered.  We cannot let you take our money.  Althought this is only just over 300 yuan, we demand the full service and promise.  We will bravely reject any dishonest behavior.

Furthermore, we ask all our lawyer friends to assist the victimized readers to file a class action against Guangming Daily when we demand our reufnds.  Against these deceptive practices, we demand not just compensation, but multiple damages.

For those readers who reufse to be cheated and insulted, we hope that you post this announcement to let others know how to protect their own interests and call 63190000.

This is not any big deal.  It is not even about Beijing News.  It is to prove that we are not pigs that can be slaughtered by tohers.  If the Guangming people want to play political games, we don't care.  We only care about whether we should subscribe to the 2006 Guangming trash.  This is a market society and we want to protect our wallets.  This is our natural right as protected by the constituion.

Please forward this post.  Please call telephone number 63190000.